This is a true story of a very sick Doctor who decided to commit TORTURE ! I am the recipient of this sick Dr.s desire to harm someone, and in doing so broke the "Hippocratic Oath" that these practitioners used to swear an oath not to do any harm. As I recall, part of the oath is to "Do No Harm". Doctors are not perfect and can make mistakes from time to time. This time it was" intentional torture" and he even laughed after he intentionally burned me. I have learned through all of this that I have suffered, that Dr.s protect each other and to a certain degree cover for each other so that when they screw-up, another Dr. will likely help cover for them. This is what happened between Dr. Steven J. Blatchford of Tucson, Arizona and at least one who is associated with him such as one of the vice-presidents of Valley ENT PC, an ear, nose and throat corporation. That is the Vice-president that is in charge of making these kinds of things just go away! His name is Dr. Dan Hurley of Scottsdale, Arizona. This corporation is now the largest in this state and have a covey of attorneys to handle the screw-ups that can not be swept under the rug like they did to me! They have been swallowing up smaller practices and building one large group of ENT Dr.s.
I have written about this sick Dr. in recent months since it happened on the 8th day October , 2010. It is now time for it to come to light since it has now finally been reported to the Attorney Generals Office of Arizona, to the "Civil Rights Division" which I did before but it was reported to the wrong office apparently because I never heard from them afterwards. I filed the report this past Thursday or Friday. I have not had much sleep so the days seem to run together.
I just went to the AG's website to get a list of the civil rights violations that they cover and it includes things like employment discrimination, as well as housing, public accommodation or voting but it did not include being tortured! I am starting to think that the US. Justice Dept./ADA Division(Americans with Disabilities Act) who told me to contact the AZ. AG's Office was not sure who to send me to! Torture is a criminal act and the police should have handled it to begin with but they did not think that they had enough evidence to arrest him after it happened.
The burn was inside my left nostril , out of sight of the average person after it healed and originally the burn extended outside of my nose but was not noticeable afterwards. This creep used a RF( radio frequency machine) to commit the crime and as an expert witness in medical malpractice cases, he knew exactly how to torture me, with a good chance of getting away with it! This outdated and ineffective machine that he used on an un-numbed area in my nose, produced with "High Voltage" an effect that was like multiple lightning bolts going off simultaneously inside my nose while he was burning me. It was a horrible experience to go through, and he had a good laugh after he did it to me! It is necessary to expose this very sick Dr. as well as the corporation that is helping to cover-up this crime! Valley ENT is like a shield for this very sick man and they both need to be exposed!
In my research, I have concluded that Josef Mengele who was Adolf Hitlers chief torturer is the ideal sick person to compare Steven Blatchford to since they both used electricity as a weapon to torture people. If Josef Mengele had this advanced high voltage weapon then he would surely have used it!!!